
Showing posts from May, 2021

Pizza Movers Vegetarian + Cheese Pizza Review

Pizza Movers: 10/10 -  I'm not sponsored in any way, just extremely pleased. On the Vegetarian pizza, there's an excellent assortment of veggies that all taste very nice together. On both the cheese and veggie pizza there's a delicious, salty cheese layer resting on top of a perfectly thin crust. I prefer it when there's not loads of cheese so I thought Pizza Movers had a fantastic ratio! I'm also very picky when it comes to crusts and don't like when it's really crunchy and hard to chew. But yet again, Pizza Movers got that part down as well. I would definitely recommend eating from here! 

Tangerine Zest with 2.5g Prebiotics Luna Bar Review

Tangerine Zest: 7/10 - I found that this Luna Bar was pretty similar to the other Prebiotics Luna bar (Wild Cherry). I did like the fruity, sweet, and tart mixture of flavors but texture and presentation were definitely lacking. The texture was pretty dry and grainy.  There were no toppings such as a coating or drizzle which left the bar with only a bottom coating. Of course, that is still perfectly fine, but definitely not as exciting to look at or to taste. 

Yasso Peanut Butter Sandwich Review

Peanut Butter Sandwich: 8/10 - Ice cream sandwiches might just be some of my favorite things in the entire world. However, I personally was not the biggest fan of the peanut butter flavor. I loved the soft, chocolatey outter cookies and the texture of the soft, creamy yogurt. But, the swirls of peanut butter were much harder than the yogurt around it and felt a little odd to bite into. I also thought the peanut butter taste was too overpowering in comparison to the rest of tastes in this sweet sandwich. 

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Lärabar Review

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: 9/10 - I'm pretty sure this was only the second Lärabar I've had in my life. The first was years ago and I absolutely hated it. However, I decided to try them again and really enjoyed it! It was sweet, flavorful, and chewy. I actually appreciated how soft this was and loved how there was a fruity after-taste as well! It was also very filling. I'm very glad I tried this brand again because I was very pleasantly surprised. I found it had a perfect balance of flavors and am definitely looking forward to trying more Lärabar varieties! 

Nutz Over Chocolate Luna Bar Review

Nutz Over Chocolate: 8/10 - I was actually really surprised with how high I rated this bar because it was actually really bland but I guess my expectations were just so incredibly low. What I liked about it was that it was definitely very chocolate heavy and kept me very full! However, I kind of think I was just imagining the nut flavor because I wanted to like the bar so bad... Anyways, overall, this was a satisfactory bar but could definitely use some more flavor. Then again, I'm sure many people are not looking for exciting tastes when shopping for nutrition bars. 

Chocolate Salted Caramel Luna Bar Review

Chocolate Salted Caramel: 9/10 - Similar to the first Luna-Protein bar I tried, this one scored higher on my 'protein bar scale' than on my 'normal' Luna bar scale. That being said, this bar earned 8/10 on the ordinary Luna bar scale just because you can really taste the extra nutrients... However, it scored a 9/10  on the protein bar scale because I loved the sweet chocolate and salty caramel combination. I felt like I could actually taste it, unlike many other bar flavors. Then again, I should mention that my score might be very high either because my expectations were 6 feet underground and I usually hate protein bars or because I had just finished a 9-mile uphill hike and was very hungry. Either way, this was definitely a very enjoyable Luna bar!

Trader Joe's Yogurt Pretzels Review

Yogurt Pretzels: 6/10 - Unlike the other yogurt pretzels I reviewed, these were not my favorite at all. The previous pretzels I tried were blueberry flavored which made them sweet without being overpowering as well as a nice fruity taste. These, however, were not fruity and very sugary.  I also found that when you bit into it, the yogurt came off easily and you were left with the plain, hard, salty pretzel which was not very enjoyable. Although, I do think that I wouldn't be so harsh on these pretzels if I had not been so pleased with the Blueberry-Yogurt Pretzels that set my expectations so high. 

Peanut Butter + Fudge Luna Bar Review

Peanut Butter + Fudge: 6/10 - I was actually really disappointed with this bar. When you first unwrap it, you can see a very thick, chocolatey, top coating, chocolate drizzle, and a chocolate bottom coating which made me super excited!! I was fully expecting a chocolate-peanut butter overload but was sorrily mislead.  It actually tasted pretty similar to the "White Chocolate Macadamia Nut" bar in that it was just a bland mixture of chocolate and nuts. The presentation was over-the-top amazing! Which sadly led my expectations to be far too high for the actual taste of this bar.