Nutz Over Chocolate Luna Bar Review

Nutz Over Chocolate: 8/10 - I was actually really surprised with how high I rated this bar because it was actually really bland but I guess my expectations were just so incredibly low. What I liked about it was that it was definitely very chocolate heavy and kept me very full! However, I kind of think I was just imagining the nut flavor because I wanted to like the bar so bad...

Anyways, overall, this was a satisfactory bar but could definitely use some more flavor. Then again, I'm sure many people are not looking for exciting tastes when shopping for nutrition bars. 


  1. Wow! I didn't expect it get the same rating as the lemon bar. Your reviews are super interesting!

    1. thanks!! my rating's have been getting higher as my expectations have been getting lower haha

    2. LOL. My expectations are low too


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