Chocolate Dipped Coconut Luna Bar Review

Chocolate Dipped Coconut: 3/10 - the smell was amazing (6/10) which made it even more disappointing when I bit into it. This was the opposite of the Lemon/Blueberry bar in that I thought it tasted better eating the coconut on top and chocolate on the bottom separately instead of biting it normally and having the combined taste. The flavor was mediocre but the texture was very dry. 

When I unwrapped it I immediately smelled a strong coconut aroma which made me really excited to bite into it but I barely tasted the coconut at all. It felt super plain, there was a thin chocolate coating on the bottom but that's about the only thing that made it special taste-wise. It still tasted totally fine just not a lot of coconut flavor which was their main selling point to me. 


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